Sunday, August 22, 2010

Using Powerpoints to enhance learning

I have commonly thought of powerpoint as only being useful in assisting me in presentions. However, after seeing the demonstration given to us in week three, I now realise I am very limited in my imagination when it comes to this program.
Powerpoint can be used for and assist in a range of different learning experiences. Furthermore, it can be used to compile students progressed and a forms of assessing.
ACARA will have to see a new form of moderation - across the whole of Australia - therefore, would not a simple approach be via a document that is easily accessible? I believe that powerpoints could be effectively used as a way of documenting and sharing a child's progression. They themselves are able to show their knowledge and understanding in a particular aspect using Powerpoint. In the tutorial a simple example was show where a series of questions could be created and had the ability to determine whether the child was correct or incorrect with their answers. Powerpoint has the means to cater for all learning styles and has the ability to structure activities and assessment of a diverse nature.
Furthermore, powerpoint has the ability to contextualise information in a way that students feel comfortable and are able to take risks in their learning. It provides opportunties for students to work at their own pace, without feeling unsafe in terms of learning; also provides opportunties for students to work in cooperative groups - promoting social development.


  1. I found that the assessments the learning manager can create over Power Point to be very authentic. They cater for a wide range of students, especially in visual and cater modes. I was also limited in my understanding of Power Points before the Tutorial in week 3, but I found that they can be used for a wide range of activities.

  2. I also believe that powerpoint can be used in a variety of ways. If you get a chance go to youtube and type in 'mouse mischief'. This is a new add on created by microsoft and I believe that it is amazing and can should be used in many classroom in the future.

  3. PowerPoint if used correctly and innovatively can be used as an effective e learning tool. I too feel as though I was limited in my imagination before the tutorial.
    The interactivity a PowerPoint can provide encourages students to be involved in the content. Whilst receiving automatic formative feedback when completing a simply created quiz.
